The 7 Best Sites to Pick Random Travel Destinations for Trips

The 7 Best Sites to Pick Random Travel Destinations for Trips

A good vacation can completely change your life. Whether it’s through new exciting experiences or well-deserved rest and recuperation, everyone loves a holiday. But do you know what everyone hates? Planning a vacation.

With all the driving, flights, planning, and organizing, sometimes it feels like you need a vacation from planning your vacation. One of the most difficult aspects is actually just selecting where to go. To help speed up your planning and remove some unnecessary stress, you can use random holiday generators. Here are seven random vacation destination generators for you to use.


Earth Roulette website

Earth Roulette is for the confused wanderer who doesn’t want to think. Click a button, and you’ll get a suggestion for a country to visit, along with all the research you would need for it.

The website will give you a sentence breakdown of the main reason to travel to the proposed location. If you’re interested, you can scroll down on the page to discover everything you’ll need to book your holiday. You can read about places to see, the type of food locals eat, photos of the scenery, and even hotel and flight options currently available.

In case you don’t like the recommended country, click Spin it to find a new random destination. If you have certain preferences, the Filters button allows you to only show results that match a certain budget, temperature, continent, activities, and more.

You can also select a country under the website’s Top travel destinations section, and it will suggest different places you can visit in that country.

The Vaction Hunt suprise travel website

The Vacation Hunt is a travel agency that offers surprise vacations. All you need to do is fill out a survey that asks for information about your ideal vacation. You have to fill out details like when you plan to travel, the length of your vacation, and everything else related to the vacation experience, like what you’d like to do, places to avoid, and more.

If you don’t like the feeling of booking with classic travel websites like Expedia and Hotwire, you’ll love picking your next destination using The Vacation Hunt. After completing the survey, you must select a surprise vacation package. The Vacation Hunt caters to everyone through its packages.

The website has an All-American Adventure package if you’d like an American-exclusive destination. Want to travel to European destinations? Select the European Escape package. There’s also an exclusive package if you love hot places like the Caribbean, Mexico, or Latin America. Lastly, the International Intrigue package offers a wide array of travel destinations.

The website lists prices during the selection process, so you know what to expect when booking. If you need help with language translation on your international travels, check out the best online translators you can use in the real world.

Pack Up + Go website homepage

Looking to do some exclusive travel in the US? Pack Up + Go is one of the best options available. Unlike The Vacation Hunt, Pack Up + Go only offers US-only surprise travel packages.

The trip focuses on surprise as the main aspect. You can pick holidays focused around road trips, outdoors, staycations, or planes/trains. The website will also ask you questions regarding your previous holidays and your goals for this upcoming adventure.

After you answer the questions and select a budget, Pack Up + Go will plan a complete holiday for you to enjoy. With this travel site, you really can just pack up and go because everything else is already prepared!

You will need to create an account to use Pack Up + Go, unlike some of the other listed travel sites.

Atlas Obscura trips page

Cliché travel destinations often sound boring, which is why you skip them. Atlas Obscura specializes in finding offbeat travel ideas in popular cities or countries.

Unique Trips are paid tours, so you are free to buy them from them and go with other people. Otherwise, if the dates or cost isn’t working out for you, you can check out the entire itinerary of each Unique Trip to plan your own trip there.

Browse through both upcoming trips and tours already concluded. There are enough travel ideas here to satisfy the desires of every wandering soul.

5. LuckyTrip

LuckyTrip Santorini Destination Description Screen Grab

Although this app is primarily for European residents, the great design layout and easy-to-use features meant that it was an absolute must-add to this list.

LuckyTrip is an extremely budget-conscious random travel generator. The first step is your budget. After that, simply press the Lucky button, and LuckyTrip will automatically plan out the location, the hotel, and the experience and give you the associated cost per person.

You can change your settings to adjust the number of people, dates, accommodation style, and even destination entertainment. This app is a truly all-encompassing travel generator. Since the website might be somewhat confusing to use, you can download the LuckyTrip app for a streamlined experience.

Download: LuckyTrip for Android | iOS (Free)

Travel Republic Destination Picker Sidari

If you aren’t as concerned about your budget, Travel Republic generates random destinations based on your perfect holiday.

The website starts by asking what type of holiday you want. Then it asks if you’re traveling with friends, family, or a partner—which is a bit disappointing if you’re planning a solo escape. After, it asks you to pick from a list of options which two activities you are most interested in while on holiday. It will then provide you with a suggested location.

This is where Travel Republic gets interesting. The website displays your travel suggestions in navigable bubbles. Looking for something a bit cooler, navigate to the suggested travel bubble. Interested in more theme parks? There’s a travel bubble for that too. This site gives less general information but great comparison options.

If you find somewhere you like, press Book Now, and you’ll be taken to the main travel website for reservations.

Random City Generator website

Random City Generator isn’t a fully-fledged random travel destination picker. Instead, it only suggests cities around the world that you can visit. There’s no filter here, tap the Next Random City button, and it’ll suggest a city.

After generating a random city, the website gives you background details about it, like what the city is best known for and the major tourist attractions and popular activities. It also provides popular foods that you should purpose to eat while visiting the city.

Once you’ve finalized the travel destination, these travel planning apps can help you find tourist attractions. If you don’t like the suggestion, just hit the Next Random City button again to view a different city.

Solo Escape or Friendly Voyage?

It can be nearly impossible to pick a vacation spot. With so many places to see in the world and so little holiday time for most, it can be anxiety-inducing trying to pick the perfect place. This anxiety is often only increased by the addition of planning with friends.

Avoid the stress next time by using one of the sites above to pick your vacation destination randomly. And make sure you check out some tips to take great vacation photos on your travels.